academic report of dr. zheng lei on september 30th-凯发app官方网站

 academic report of dr. zheng lei on september 30th-凯发app官方网站
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academic report of dr. zheng lei on september 30th
release time:2021-09-29 11:08:30

at the invitation of professor mu cuicui and associate professor peng xiaoqing, college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university, zheng lei, a postdoctoral fellow from the school of geospatial engineering and science, sun yat-sen university, will come to our university for academic visits and exchanges and give an academic report. welcome!

title: remote sensing monitoring and simulation of ice sheet melting

time: sept. 30, 11:00 – 12:00

site: lecture room 1615, guanyun building, lanzhou university

lecturer profile

zheng lei is a postdoctoral fellow at the school of geospatial engineering and science, sun yat-sen university. he got a ph.d. in photogrammetry and remote sensing from wuhan university in 2019. his main research interests are ice and snow remote sensing, hydrological processes in cold regions, polar changes, and their climate and environmental effects. he has published more than ten sci papers in top international journals such as remote sensing of environmentthe cryospherejournal of geophysical research, and undertook the national natural science youth fund, post-doctorate funding, and special funding projects. some of his research results were selected as the highlight papers and reported in eos (earth & space science news) of the american geophysical association (agu).
