professor hui fengming’s academic reports on september 30th-凯发app官方网站

 professor hui fengming’s academic reports on september 30th-凯发app官方网站
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professor hui fengming’s academic reports on september 30th
release time:2021-09-25 15:50:47

at the invitation of professor mou cuicui and associate professor peng xiaoqing, professor hui fengming, deputy dean of the school of surveying and mapping science and technology, sun yat-sen university, will come to our university for an academic visit and give an academic report on september 30th, 2021. welcome!

title: remote sensing monitoring of arctic interglacial lakes

time: september 30th, 10:00-11:00am

site: lecture room 1615, guanyun building, lanzhou university

lecturer profile

fengming hui, deputy dean, professor, and doctoral supervisor of the school of surveying and mapping science and technology, sun yat-sen university, is the core member of the polar ocean and climate change innovation team of southern ocean science and engineering guangdong laboratory (zhuhai). his research interests are remote sensing mapping of polar snow and ice parameters and remote sensing monitoring of sea ice. he had participated in china's antarctic and arctic scientific investigation. in the past five years, he has carried out scientific research and cooperation exchanges in finland, greenland, and the other arctic regions many times. he has published more than 40 papers and two monographs in high-level academic journals such as rse and ieee tgrs. he is currently undertaking the national key research and development program and general projects of the national natural science foundation of china. he won the special prize of the science and technology award of china navigation society in 2018, the silver prize of pei xiu award of national excellent map works in 2018, and the second prize of ocean science and technology award in 2020.
