"geoscience forum", issue 233, college of earth and environmental sciences-凯发app官方网站

 "geoscience forum", issue 233, college of earth and environmental sciences-凯发app官方网站
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"geoscience forum", issue 233, college of earth and environmental sciences
release time:2021-09-29 11:09:24

at the invitation of professor wang nai'ang from the center for ice and desert research, college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university, professor li zhongqin from the northwest institute of ecological and environmental resources, chinese academy of sciences, will come to our university to conduct exchange and give an academic report. welcome!

title: modelling projections of mountain glacier change

time: september 26th, 2021 (sunday) 10:00.

site: lecture room 1615, guanyun building, lanzhou university

reporter profile

li zhongqin, a researcher at the northwest institute of ecological and environmental resources, chinese academy of sciences. he is the academic director of the tianshan glacier national field scientific observation and research station, the co-director of the glacier specialized committee of the chinese society of cryospheric sciences, and the chinese correspondent of the world glacier monitoring service (wgms). he has been engaged in glaciological research for a long time and has presided over more than 20 key projects of the national natural science foundation of china, international cooperation projects, and national key r&d projects of the ministry of science and technology. he has participated in the first chinese inland antarctic ice cap expedition and the arctic svalbard glacier expedition and has organized many glacier research expeditions to the qinghai-tibet plateau, tianshan mountains, altay mountains, and qilian mountains. he has published 368 papers, including 136 sci papers, 8 monographs, and more than 10 co-edited monographs. he has made groundbreaking achievements in the study of continental and arid zone glaciology, which has had an important international impact. he has received more than 20 scientific and technological awards and honors, including the outstanding scientific and technological achievement award of the chinese academy of sciences, the first prize of natural science award of gansu province, and the first prize of science and technology progress award of xinjiang uygur autonomous region.
