"yuxiu resource and environment · chinese and foreign lecturers" (lecture 7) -凯发app官方网站

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"yuxiu resource and environment · chinese and foreign lecturers" (lecture 7) - study abroad in sydney
release time:2023-11-01 21:19:23

lecture title: my journey in sydney

speaker: dr. zihui zhang, ph.d. candidate

time:november 2(thursday), 2023, 14:30

venue:room b105, qinling hall

expert profile:

zihui zhang is a ph.d. candidate in environmental science at the school of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university, class of 2020. she mainly engages in atmospheric pollution control, rotational separation technology, vortex structure recognition, and vortex model derivation. she earned her bachelor's degree from north university of china in 2018, and she pursued her master's degree from 2018 to 2020 at lanzhou university. she is currently a ph.d. candidate at lanzhou university since 2020. she has published six high-level research papers, including four sci papers (two as the first author and two as the third author), and two chinese core papers.she holds two granted utility model patents and has been the principal investigator for one of the central universities' graduate innovation projects. she has also been involved in more than ten national and provincial projects, including the national key research and development program and national natural science foundation of china projects. she has received numerous awards, including the outstanding communist party member of lanzhou university school of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university outstanding graduate student, gold award at the 7th china international "internet " innovation and entrepreneurship competition gansu province division, lanzhou university first-class scholarship for ph.d. students, and nomination for the 7th president's medal of north university of china.

lecture description:

in this lecture, dr. zihui zhang will share insights on choosing a study-abroad destination, selecting a university, application procedures, pre-departure preparations, and her three-month study-abroad experience in sydney. her talk aims to assist attendees in preparing for studying abroad and understanding life overseas.

undergraduate students can register for this lecture through the "dreamspace" system and earn credits related to personal development. all interested students from all over the school are welcome to participate actively.

college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university

november 1, 2023
