yuxiu resource and environment frontier forum of the college of earth and environmental sciences (lecture 18) —professor lv houyuan-凯发app官方网站

 yuxiu resource and environment frontier forum of the college of earth and environmental sciences (lecture 18) —professor lv houyuan-凯发app官方网站
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yuxiu resource and environment frontier forum of the college of earth and environmental sciences (lecture 18) —professor lv houyuan
release time:2023-09-04 15:44:36

invited by professor yang xiaoyan of the college of earth and environmental sciences at lanzhou university, researcher lv houyuan from the institute of geology and geophysics, chinese academy of sciences, visited our university for academic exchange and delivered a lecture on september 3, 2023.

speaker: researcher lv houyuan, institute of geology and geophysics, chinese academy of sciences

title: the impact of ancient climate change on the origin of east asian agriculture and cultural evolution

moderator: professor yang xiaoyan, college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university

time: september 3, 2023, 8:30-10:10

venue: room 502, qilian hall

speaker profile:

lv houyuan is a researcher at the institute of geology and geophysics, chinese academy of sciences. he currently serves as the executive director of the chinese quaternary science research association, director of the professional committee for human evolution and environmental archaeology, chinese palynological society, executive director of the xinjiang loulan society, deputy director of the professional committee for plant archaeology, chinese archaeological society, and deputy director of the professional committee for environmental archaeology, chinese archaeological society. his research primarily focuses on chinese quaternary environmental evolution and environmental archaeology. he has conducted research on diatom identification standards, diatom assemblages under different climatic zones, palynological reconstruction of ancient vegetation, multi-index modern process analysis, and quantitative estimation of ancient climates. he has published research results on the origin and spread of rice and dryland agriculture in east asia, as well as studies on the earliest noodles and tea in the world. he has published over 200 papers in leading domestic and international journals, including nature, pnas, quaternary science reviews, science bulletin, and science china earth sciences. he has led several research projects, including the national natural science foundation of china's distinguished young scholars program (2003), key projects, and sub-projects of the ministry of science and technology's 973 program. his project "climate change in east asia in the past 20,000 years and the development of farming culture" received the 2020 national natural science award (second class).

college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university

september 4, 2023
