dr. wang xuejin's academic report on june 12-凯发app官方网站

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dr. wang xuejin's academic report on june 12
release time:2023-06-10 15:31:24

title: mechanism analysis of vegetation restoration-precipitation feedback in northern agriculture-pastoral ecotone

time: june 12, 2023 (monday) 15:00-16:30

venue: guanyun building 1615

reporter profile:

wang xuejin, male, was born in november 1993. in june 2023, he graduated with a ph.d. from the college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university, majoring in physical geography. the research direction is the interaction between land surface change and atmospheric hydrological process. at present, it mainly focuses on the hydroclimatic effect of land surface vegetation restoration in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern china. participate in one key project and one general project of the national natural science foundation of china as a backbone. published 4 papers in internationally renowned journals such as agricultural and forest meteorology, journal of hydrology, journal of geophysical research: atmospheres as the first author. participate in the writing and publication of a monograph as a chapter writer. served as a reviewer for journal of hydrology, theoretical and applied climatology and other journals.

report summarythe northern farming-pastoral ecotone is an important ecological barrier to prevent vegetation degradation, desertification and desertification moving eastward and southward in my country. relevant departments have formulated and implemented a variety of large-scale ecological restoration projects in this area. however, the regional hydroclimatic effects caused by such large-scale revegetation measures and their mechanisms of action remain unclear. by coupling the et water vapor tracking module to the regional climate model wrf (wrf-tagging), using observation, remote sensing and reanalysis data, the analysis of the vegetation restoration-precipitation feedback mechanism in the agro-pastoral ecotone was carried out. this report will introduce the above contents.

college of earth and environmental sciences

june 9, 2023
