"introduction to climate change science" postgraduate frontier and interdisciplinary course (lecture 1, 2023), lanzhou university -凯发app官方网站

 "introduction to climate change science" postgraduate frontier and interdisciplinary course (lecture 1, 2023), lanzhou university -凯发app官方网站
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"introduction to climate change science" postgraduate frontier and interdisciplinary course (lecture 1, 2023), lanzhou university -- academician qin dahe and researcher huang lei
release time:2023-02-26 21:42:52

course content:developments in climate change science and future earth plans

course number:409133006

time:8:30-10:10, february 28, 2023(tuesday)

location:601 guanyunlou building, lanzhou university

experts introduction:

qin dahe, a geographer, is a member of the chinese academy of sciences and the academy of sciences for developing countries. former director of china meteorological administration and vice chairman of china association for science and technology. he is currently chairman of the academic committee of the chinese academy of sciences and president of the asian geographical society. he has long been engaged in research on the cryosphere, climate change, and sustainable development. it has developed cryospheric science by conducting research on cryospheric changes, their impacts, and adaptation, as well as on cryospheric service functions. it has led to the establishment of the state key laboratory of cryospheric science and the society of cryospheric science and compiled a series of textbooks on cryospheric science. he has participated in and led the third, fourth, and fifth assessment reports of the united nations intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc), and led the assessment reports on climate and environment in china and on extreme weather and climate events and disaster risk management in china, making important contributions to the development of climate change science. he won the international meteorological organization award in 2008, the volvo environment award in 2013, the second prize of national natural science award in 2014, the grand prize of national excellent teaching materials award (higher education category) in 2021, and the highest honorary award of the international geographic union in 2022.

huang lei is a researcher, director of the climate change strategy research office of the national climate center, and a member of the china committee on future earth program. mainly engaged in climate change-related research, business, and services. he has presided over and participated in a number of research projects under the national key basic research and development program, the national natural science foundation of china, and the clean development mechanism fund of china. since 2008, he has participated in the work of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc) and the united nations framework convention on climate change (unfccc) as a member of the chinese delegation and participated in the technical support of the future earth program (fe). we participated in the preparation of the climate change plan, the national assessment report on climate change, the communique on climate change monitoring, the green paper on climate change, and the green paper on the environment.
