yuxiu resource and environment youth forum of the college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university (lecture 4)-凯发app官方网站

 yuxiu resource and environment youth forum of the college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university (lecture 4)-凯发app官方网站
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yuxiu resource and environment youth forum of the college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university (lecture 4)
release time:2022-05-20 14:36:07

the yuxiu resource and environment youth forum adheres to the educational philosophy of teaching and enlightening, and strives to share the most cutting-edge information and thinking methods, so as to realize the organic connection between the primary stage and the innovative stage. all teachers and students are welcome to study and exchange.

report 1: progress of climate simulation research on qinghai-tibet plateau

speaker: professor wang xuejia

report 2: simulation of permafrost responses to climate warming and humidity in the tibetan plateau

speaker: researcher zhang guofei

host: dr. wang meimei

presentation time: may 19, 2022, 14:30 - 16:30

venue: b404, tianshan hall, yuzhong campus, lanzhou university

expert profile:

wang xuejia, professor, master supervisor, is mainly engaged in research on climate and environment change and dynamical downscaling simulation, and the interaction between cryosphere and climate on qinghai-tibet plateau. he has chaired or participated in more than 10 projects under the key research and development program, cas pioneer science and technology project, national natural science foundation of china, and the western light project of cas. he has published more than 40 academic papers in earth-science reviews, climate dynamics, journal of geophysical research, and other journals, including 20 sci papers with the first/corresponding author, and participated in the writing of two monographs. he has published a review article titled "the tibetan plateau cryosphere: observations and model simulations for current status and recent changes" in esr, a top geological journal, which has been widely recognized by international peers and has been selected as one of the top 1% of highly cited papers in esi. he has won honorary titles such as the president's award for excellence and outstanding graduate of the chinese academy of sciences. he is now a member of the youth working committee of the chinese society of cryospheric sciences (cscs) (prepared), an editor of the remote sensing journal album, a member of the chinese geographical society, etc. he is a reviewer of earth-science reviews, geophysical research letters, climate dynamics, and other internationally renowned journals.

zhang guofei is a young researcher and master advisor, mainly engaged in numerical simulation of the cryosphere and climate change, focusing on permafrost change and its impact on the ecological environment in the context of global warming. he has hosted or participated in a number of research projects including the key projects of the national natural science foundation of china. as the first/corresponding author, he has published more than 10 academic papers in earth and planetary science letters, geophysical research letters, journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, and other journals. among them, the paper "qinghai-tibet plateau wetting reduces permafrost thermal responses to climate warming" has been published in epsl by the "second qinghai-tibet scientific research bulletin" as a cutting-edge international result. he was awarded the outstanding paper of national geography annual conference, national scholarship for ph.d. students, and outstanding presentation of national gis doctoral forum. currently, he is a reviewer for jgr-atmos, scar, and glacial permafrost.
