frontier academic report on the western environment of lanzhou university, issue 9, 2021-凯发app官方网站

 frontier academic report on the western environment of lanzhou university, issue 9, 2021-凯发app官方网站
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frontier academic report on the western environment of lanzhou university, issue 9, 2021
release time:2021-06-17 10:19:40

at the invitation of the key laboratory of western china’s environmental systems (ministry of education), college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university, professor liu gang from the university of southern denmark and professor yang xiaoyan from lanzhou university gave academic reports on june 15, 2021.

lecturer1: liu gang

title1: industrial ecology and resource and environmental management

lecturer2: yang xiaoyan

title2: rice in the south and corn in the north: the formation of early chinese agricultural patterns

time: june 15, 14:30-17:30

site: lecture room 502, qilian building, lanzhou university

lecturer1 profile:

gang liu, a professor of the department of green technology, faculty of engineering, the university of southern denmark. he received his bachelor’s degree from peking university in 2004, master's degree from the institute of geographical sciences and resources, chinese academy of sciences in 2007, and doctoral degree from the norwegian university of science and technology in 2012. he is mainly engaged in research on industrial ecology, resource and environmental management and sustainable development. recently, his research cases and projects include urban built environment and sustainable development, new energy sustainability system evaluation and management, bulk and strategic scarce metal resources security and management, agricultural sustainability and sustainable food system, biological resources and waste management, circular economy and low carbon development strategy.

he is currently the director of the international society of industrial ecology and vice president/secretary-general of its socio-economic metabolism section, president of the global chinese society of industrial ecology, director of the chinese society of natural resources and vice director/secretary-general of its research committee on resource flow and management. he is co-editor-in-chief of journal of industrial ecologyandresourcesconservation & recycling advances, and associate editor-in-chief of resourcesconservation & recycling. he has published more than 100 papers in naturenature climate changenature foodnature communicationsenvironmental science & technologyproceedings of the chinese academy of sciences and other top journals. his research achievements have been reported by cnn, popular science and many other domestic and international news media. he was awarded the 2017 robert a. laudise young scientist award by the international society for industrial ecology for his "outstanding contributions to the field of industrial ecology".

he has been invited to give keynote presentations at gordon conference, xiangshan conference, shuangqing forum, shanghai forum, annual meeting of danish geologists, annual meeting of chinese society of natural resources, etc. he has been invited as a consultant of international institutions such as fao, world bank, oecd, iea, eu joint research center, etc. over the years, he has been actively promoting academic exchanges between china and europe and the construction of related academic platforms in china, as well as many sino-european cooperation projects such as eu horizon 2020 and the chinese natural science foundation.

lecturer2 profile:

yang xiaoyan, a distinguished professor of "changjiang scholar" of the college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university, researcher of qinghai-tibet plateau research institute, chinese academy of sciences, leader of environmental archaeology research of the institution of qinghai-tibet plateau, chinese academy of sciences, executive deputy director of the national archaeological center of state administration of cultural heritage - environmental archaeology joint laboratory of qinghai-tibet plateau research institute, chinese academy of sciences. she is also the deputy director of the committee on environmental change and environmental archaeology of the geographical society of china, and the secretary-general of the committee on environmental archaeology of the archaeological society of china. she is mainly engaged in environmental archaeology, and her research interests in recent years are focused on the formation process of early agricultural patterns in china, and now she focuses on the formation and spread of agriculture in the qinghai-tibet plateau and surrounding areas. she has hosted 6 national natural science foundation of china projects and 2 international collaborative projects and participated in many national major scientific research program (973) and science and technology pioneer project of the chinese academy of sciences as the backbone. she is currently the leader of the second national integrated expedition to the tibetan plateau and the key project leader of the national natural science foundation of china.

she is on the editorial board of journal of archaeological science, the most influential professional journal in the international environmental archaeology community, and the academic editorial board of plos one. she has published nearly 100 papers in naturepnasjournal of archaeological science, and science bulletin. her articles published in pnas have been selected as esi top 1% highly cited papers, and some of her results have been reported as research highlights in nature-chinanature-asiaeurekalert!. her research project "paleoclimate change and farming culture development in east asia in the past 20,000 years" won the second prize of national natural science in 2020 (third finisher). currently, she is setting up a research team of "agricultural origin and propagation" in the college of resources and environment of lanzhou university, building a bioarchaeological laboratory including zooarchaeology, phytoarchaeology, palaeoenvironmental dna, ancient dna and paleoprotein research.
