professor fang xiaomin’s academic lecture on september 24-凯发app官方网站

 professor fang xiaomin’s academic lecture on september 24-凯发app官方网站
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professor fang xiaomin’s academic lecture on september 24
release time:2020-09-27 10:56:29

at the invitation of the department of geography of the college of earth and environmental sciences, lanzhou university and the key laboratory of western china’s environmental systems, ministry of education, china, fang xiaomin, professor and doctoral supervisor of institute of tibetan plateau research, chinese academy of sciences, will make an academic report. welcome!

lecturer: professor fang xiaomin

title: uplift of the tibetan plateau and asian geographical pattern and global change

time:14:30-17:00, thursday, september 24, 2020

site: lecture b502, tianshantang, yuzhong campus

lecturer profile:

fang xiaomin, researcher and doctoral advisor. he graduated from the department of geology and geography of lanzhou university in 1983 and graduated from the department of the physical geography of lanzhou university in 1992(china-uk joint phd). in 1999, he was awarded the national distinguished scholar program of the chinese academy of sciences, and he was the chief scientist of the national 973 program and academic leader of the innovative research group of the national natural science foundation of china. he was selected as the "national candidate of the new century million talent project" by seven ministries and commissions, including the ministry of personnel. he won the second prize of the national natural science award (ranking first and fourth respectively) and the first chinatibetan plateau youth science and technology award. he is now the managing director of the china society on tibet plateau, director of the chinese association of quaternary research, director of the special committee on tectonics and climate, member and deputy director of the geomorphology and quaternary committee of the geographical society of china.

he is mainly engaged in the study of tibetan plateau uplift and environmental change. systematic achievements have been made on the frontier scientific issues of plateau uplift-monsoon/drought pattern formation-denudation and weathering-global climate change, and 376 papers have been published, among which 227 papers were published in sci journals including pnas, science advance, and nature(he was the first author or corresponding author of 132 papers). the papers have been cited for more than 10000 times. he has been selected into the list of most cited chinese researchers by elsevier publishing house for six consecutive years since 2014.
