应兰州大学资源环境学院、西部环境教育部重点实验室贺缠生教授邀请,英国利兹大学水资源中心(water@leeds)主任joseph holden教授于2022年12月21日为我院教师和学生作学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!
主 讲 人:joseph holden 教授 英国利兹大学
报告题目:the integrated catchment solutions programme (icasp): a uk model to bring researchers and decision-makers together for positive societal impacts
主 持 人:贺缠生 教授 兰州大学资源环境学院
zoom会议号:828-2568-5784 会议密码:527319

professor joseph holden is a cambridge university graduate and holds a phd from durham university, uk. he is a fellow of the uk’s royal geographical society and fellow of the uk’s royal meteorological society. he has held the chair of physical geography at the university of leeds for the last 15 years during which time he has been the research dean for the faculty of environment and he is also director of water@leeds, one of the largest interdisciplinary university-based water research centers in the world. he has 25 years university teaching experience.
he has expertise in hydrology and carbon dynamics, including land management impacts on flooding, soil processes and flow paths. he won the gordon warwick medal from the british society for geomorphology and also the leverhulme prize, both for compelling evidence of his outstanding research achievements. he is also the champion for the national freshwater quality research programme in the uk.
professor holden has supervised 29 phd students, and delivered > 100 funded research projects for industry, government bodies, charities, and research agencies. he has worked on several projects in china including jointly funded nsfc projects. he has published > 180 papers and is editor of leading student textbooks on water (holden, j. (2020) (ed) water resources: an integrated approach, 2nd edition. routledge) and on physical geography (holden, j. (ed) an introduction to physical geography and the environment. 4th edition. pearson education, 2019).
professor holden is director of the integrated catchment solutions programme, which brings together scientists, government organizations, community groups, businesses, and charities to work together to solve water-related environmental problems in the yorkshire region of the uk. the presentation will outline how this programme operates, including how stakeholders play a role in making decisions about which projects are funded. the presentation will outline some of the outcomes and benefits of fully connecting catchment research to societal and economic impacts. it will provide examples of some of the outcomes from joint projects with stakeholders on flooding, water quality, soil health, carbon sequestration, and climate resilience.