资源环境学院2022年毓秀资环·前沿讲坛(第三讲)——boris braun教授-凯发app官方网站

 资源环境学院2022年毓秀资环·前沿讲坛(第三讲)——boris braun教授-凯发app官方网站


资源环境学院2022年毓秀资环·前沿讲坛(第三讲)——boris braun教授


应兰州大学资源环境学院、西部环境教育部重点实验室杨永春教授马维兢青年研究员邀请,德国科隆大学boris braun教授于2022年10月24日进行学术交流并作线上学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!

主 讲 人:prof. dr. boris braun  德国科隆大学


the 2021 flood in germany and a failing hazard management - what can we learn?

主 持 人:马维兢  青年研究员  兰州大学资源环境学院


zoom会议号:922 8806 5792 密码:095884




专家简介dr. boris braun is a professor for human and economic geography, department of geography, university of cologne, and one of the pis of the global south study center (gssc),cologne. his research interests are environmental economic geography, environmental management, industrial and urban change; environmental and social impacts of globalization, economic and social aspects of natural hazards in south asia (mainly india and bangladesh), southeast asia (mainly indonesia), australia, germany and western europe.prof. braun is the speaker of several associations, including the natural science graduateschools of the university of cologne and thereview boardof the german research foundation (dfg fachkollegium 317 “geographie”). he is also the chairman of the association for geography at german-speaking universities and research institutions.

报告内容:climate change will lead us to expect more frequent and severe natural disasters in the future. the flood disaster in western germany in july 2021 claimed 180 lives and destroyed many buildings and infrastructure. this was the most severe damage caused by an extreme natural event in germany since 1962. above all, the disaster showed how vulnerable even a relatively prosperous and infrastructurally highly developed country can be. the lecture will briefly outline the course of the disaster and then discuss how it was possible for essential parts of the disaster management and many political decision-makers to fail and what lessons can be learned from the event.



