4月21日joseph holden教授学术报告-凯发app官方网站

 4月21日joseph holden教授学术报告-凯发app官方网站


4月21日joseph holden教授学术报告


应兰州大学资源环境学院贺缠生教授邀请,英国利兹大学水资源中心(water@leeds)主任joseph holden教授于2022421日为我院教师和学生作学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!

报 告 人:joseph holden教授

报告题目:peatland hydrology and carbon cycling in a changing world

主 持 人:贺缠生教授


会议信息:会议号(zoom id):899 299 2299;密码(password):123456;




    joseph holden,剑桥大学学士,杜伦大学地理学博士,利兹大学地理系主任,水资源中心(water@leeds,世界上最大的水文学及水资源综合研究中心)主任。英国皇家地理学会会士、英国气象学会会士。荣获英国地貌协会的philip leverhulme奖和gordon warwick奖。他主要开展泥炭地水文与碳动态、流域水文、土地管理对洪水及土壤过程的影响研究。dr. holden目前已在nature等期刊发表超过180篇论文/专著,是水文学(water resources: an integrated approach, 2ndedition)及自然地理学(an introduction to physical geography and the environment, 4thedition)主流本科教材的主编。dr. holden指导了29个博士生,主持了超过100个研究项目,是20多个国际科研机构及50多个国际期刊的评审人。


professor holden is a cambridge university graduate and holds a phd from durham university, uk. he is a fellow of the uk’s royal geographical society and fellow of the uk’s royal meteorological society. he has held the chair of physical geography at the university of leeds for the last 15 years during which time he has been the research dean for the faculty of environment and he is also director of water@leeds, one of the largest interdisciplinary university-based water research centres in the world. he has expertise in the hydrology and carbon dynamics of peatlands, catchment hydrology and land management impacts on flooding, soil processes and flowpaths. he has published > 180 papers and is editor of leading undergraduate textbooks on water (holden, j.(2020)(ed)water resources: an integrated approach, 2ndedition. routledge)and on physical geography (holden, j. (ed)an introduction to physical geography and the environment. 4thedition. pearson education, 2019). professor holden has supervised 29 phd students, and delivered > 100 funded research projects. he is reviewer for >20 international funding agencies and >50 journals.


